My Word Made Flesh - Version 2


My Word Made Flesh™ Version 2 (Brand Neutral) is designed to support all involved in true health and wealth care while continuing to use one’s preferred modality. This is an upgrade system to what already is effective. As you will see in this version, a much wider application and many additional techniques, when applied, deepen experiences from our first version of My Word Made Flesh™.

In My Word Made Flesh, you will find all the technologies to successfully engage the 7 Transformational Steps:

  • Step 1. Engage Your Limitation and Love it

  • Step 2. Put it into words with Sacred Body Language Translations

  • Step 3. Get Specific with Specificity Factors

  • Step 4. Reverse the Curse (or Upgrade) with Conscious Language™ Decrees

  • Step 5. Shift into Already Having with Imagination Activation

  • Step 6. Change your frequency with Conscious Nutrition 

  • Step 7. Outcome Map™ Your All-New Life

My Word Made Flesh Overview and Key Concepts

"My Word Made Flesh" by Robert Tennyson Stevens delves into the profound impact of conscious language on shaping our reality. Stevens emphasizes that our words are more than tools of communication. They are powerful vehicles that can manifest our desires and intentions. When individuals consistently use positive affirmations and uplifting language, they are more likely to attract positive experiences into their lives. This concept highlights the transformative potential of conscious language in creating a reality aligned with one's highest aspirations.

Robert Tennyson Stevens explores the intricate relationship between language, thoughts, and physical manifestations. By understanding the vibrational frequency of words and thoughts, individuals can consciously tune into frequencies that resonate with their desired outcomes. When someone consistently focuses on thoughts of abundance and prosperity, they are likely to attract opportunities and experiences that align with those vibrations. This concept underscores the power of language in actively creating the reality we experience on a daily basis.

My Word Made Flesh is a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to explore new avenues for personal transformation and growth. By delving into the principles behind these transformational technologies, readers gain a deeper understanding of how language, emotions, and actions intersect to shape their reality. Through practical exercises and real-world applications, Stevens equips readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of conscious communication and manifestation, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness and empowerment.

Additionally, the book invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation through the integration of these cutting-edge technologies into their daily lives. By offering insights into the practical applications of conscious language and emotional intelligence, Stevens guides individuals toward a more harmonious and intentional way of interacting with the world around them. This holistic approach to personal development and empowerment underscores the transformative potential of conscious communication and invites readers to explore new possibilities for enhancing their health, wealth, and overall well-being through the power of their words and intentions.

"My Word Made Flesh" outlines practical steps for incorporating Essential Oils into daily transformational practices, enhancing the conscious language experience. By combining specific essential oils with affirmations or conscious language decrees, individuals can amplify the vibrational impact of their words and thoughts, creating a more profound transformational effect in their lives. 

Stevens invites readers to explore the synergistic relationship between conscious language and essential oils in enhancing overall wellness. This integrative approach to self-care underscores the holistic nature of personal transformation, encouraging individuals to tap into the healing properties of essential oils as they embark on a journey of emotional growth.

Stevens provides readers with insights into innovative ways of using essential oils to deepen the conscious language experience and elevate the vibrational quality of their intentions. By incorporating essential oils into their language work, individuals can create a sensory-rich environment that enhances the potency of their affirmations and decrees. This immersive integration of aroma and language fosters a deeper connection to one's inner self and external reality, offering a holistic approach to well-being that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. Through these transformational steps with  Essential Oils, readers can explore new pathways to self-discovery and personal growth, aligning their words, emotions, and actions with their highest potential.

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