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Wild Lotus:Your Sacred Toolkit for Restoring Divine Feminine wisdom

Wild Lotus: Sacred Tools for Transformation

LET LOVE IN - Mini Master Class Series

Master class level one
The basic principals of the Wild Lotus practise for Self mastery.
Using the scale of emotional harmonics to create confidence & success in your practise and your life.

Master class level two
Decoding the wisdom of your body
Using sacred body language to heal, transform and manifest your life.

These 2 Master classes are designed to attend in consecutive order. If you miss class one, you can catch up with the recording. The two sessions are a powerful deep dive into your feminine creative energy, giving a booster to your daily practise and strengthening your conscious living tools. The outcome of attending will be deeply nourishing, inspiring, leaving you feeling empowered and enthusiastic about your life.

Come together and play with us
Remember your inner mastery!

Details and Registration:

Class one: April 20 Wednesday: 12:00pm - 3:00 pm Aust. Est time.
Class two: April 22 Friday : 10:00am - 1:00pm Aust. Est time.
Each 3 hour session will include both experiential component with teaching and ‘q & a’ sharing.

Location: Online (zoom) sent on registration
Workbook and Recordings provided for all attendees

Price: $ 333 for both sessions or $180 for one
$440 ($220 / class )

Remember your divine skillset that will assist you in navigating your inner-visible realm. Deepen and expand your capacity to feel yourself and your world. The woman’s power is in her feeling. Feeling is healing. Allow yourself to be graced by your inner wisdom and let love in!

Living our divine destiny doesn’t just happen. It requires your Conscious participation, active choice and dedication, love and commitment. Wild lotus is a portal of pure power and magic to support you on your path. To remember your creator and your capacity to co-create.

Join Iya Omi Tola and our cauldron of sisters dedicated to reclaiming our divinity. And access your powers of divine manifestation to birth your heaven on earth.

March 20

Obi 201 : Divination Training

April 22

Wild Lotus:Your Sacred Toolkit for Restoring Divine Feminine wisdom